Web Analytics - a key success factor

Analysis of user engagement data is key for the success of any Internet marketing activity. Only the correct interpretation of user interactions enables suitable adjustments and optimizations. Skilled and ongoing web analytics helps you to meet the expectations of your online target group better and better.
In terms of the PDCA cycle (Plan - Do - Check - Act), data analysis represents the phase of reviewing the success of actions taken previously. "Success", however, can be defined in very different terms: number of visitors, telephone calls, sales leads, orders, sign-ups for newsletter and a bunch of other critical key performance indicators (KPI).
Tools for successful web controlling
The quality of the recorded website data is decisive for the effectiveness of any analysis. The more fine-grained user visits are captured, and the less the influence of disturbances (e.g. spam, automated or internal visits), the clearer and more realistic the understanding of the user behavior. This engagement data is your solid base for all following optimizations of your website.
Tools play an important role in that process. They should visualize relevant data in an easily understandable way and should allow quick and precise conclusions through key figures. One of the best known examples is of course Google Analytics. This no-cost tool from the worldwide leading search engine delivers a good overview and multifaceted evaluations. Also a variety of other tools like Sistrix, Xovi, eTracker, Matomo (formerly Piwik) or Adobe Analytics offer various helpful insights.
More important than the specific web analytics tool IMHO is the correct interpretation of the displayed information. Ultimately any tool is most helpful only, if the operator knows how to use it best. Or to put it in other words:
A fool with a tool is still a fool.
Support for SMB in online data analytics
To safeguard the successful implementation of your B2B online marketing strategy, it would be my pleasure to assist you with facts-based web analytics and meaningful reporting. From my office in Hamburg, Germany, as your freelancer for online analytics.
Longterm experience in interpretation of results from website optimization and search engine advertising as well as outstanding analytical skills should be an excellent base for these activities. This is also proven by the certification "Google Analytics - Individual Qualification". Just send an email to webanalytics(at)vertriebsberatung-sandtmann.de, or call under Tel. +49 (0)40 235 130 816
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